A recent Branson Globe article highlighting the needs that women share regarding firearm use has generated significant response from readers. Increasing numbers of women either have a firearm and want to learn how to use it safely and responsibly, or they want to acquire a firearm but are uncertain where to begin.
The response to the article showed that Branson area women are no different; following publication, Branson Good Guy Academy received phone calls from numerous women interested in learning more or taking a class, resulting in a Level One class, Women’s Basic Pistol, being scheduled for October.
The majority of women who called asked the question, “Will it be taught by a man or a woman?” That seemed to be an important distinction as many preferred a woman instructor for women’s class. The October class will be taught by a female Certified Firearm Instructor, with two date options available: Monday, October 14, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., or Wednesday, October 16, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The class will cover the following basics of firearm safety:
The 4 Universal Safety Rules;
The 7 Fundamentals of Shooting;
How to Clear a Weapon;
Loading and Racking;
Ocular Dominance.
Class instruction will culminate with students practicing what they have learned, by using a Smokeless Range. Although the student is only shooting at a screen, with a non-lethal firearm, the firearm itself is a real Glock, specially retrofitted for this purpose. It offers the closest experience to handling a real gun with real slide action before the decision to head out to the firing range.
For women who know absolutely nothing about firearms, this class is a great starting point. If you are a seasoned shooter, this is the class for you to attend with that friend, sister, cousin, or daughter who may be apprehensive about going alone! All women of all skill levels are welcome to attend.
Classes will be held at the Hollister Police Department, 240 Hollister Pointe Drive. Fee for the class is $20. If you are interested in this opportunity, please reserve your spot by calling 417-219-1123 and leaving your name and phone number.