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Train Up a Child: Children and violence in the news

Writer's picture: Pat LambPat Lamb

What do we tell our children about all the violence that is happening in our world? Can we shield them from it?  Should we just ignore it?

Since the beginning of time, there has been a struggle between good and evil. Children need to be told that God wants good for everyone. Satan is the author of evil. All people have to choose which they will follow. No choice means that people just do what they feel like doing and that is usually bad. It is the condition of the heart that determines our actions. No law can make people be good on the inside. Love cannot be legislated. We hope our children will choose good, but as parents, we must teach them what is good and what is bad.

It is impossible to completely shield children from all bad news. We may succeed in keeping part of it away from them, but as they grow older, they will hear more and more. It takes wisdom to know the amount of information to give children. Some children are able to handle more than others at certain ages. The parent is in the best position to know what a child can process. It is better to help a child with understanding rather than just leave it for the child to have to face alone in the future. To ignore the bad news completely leaves a child wondering and often confused.

There is no doubt that our children have a great challenge in their future. We need to do all we can to prepare them. Nothing is better to prepare them than to give them a foundation of Scripture. Parents can never go wrong in helping children memorize Scripture. Taking them to church can go a long way in giving support for spiritual development. Listening to their concerns and answering to the best of our ability is also important. It is okay to say, “I don’t know. Maybe we can figure it out together.”  

It is natural for children to ask why God lets bad people hurt others. The answer is that God can do everything but one thing. He created us so that we have the right to choose. He cannot choose for us. If He could, we would be like puppets. He wants us to choose the good and not the bad. He sees everything and it makes Him sad when people choose wrongly. He gave us the Bible to tell us how to choose the right way. He wants us to choose to love Him, not be forced to love Him. He wants us to choose to love others. If others were forced to love us, it would not seem like real love. It is the same with God. It is important to have a choice and to choose wisely.  


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