The Playhouse Theater at The Shepherd of the Hills announces an all-new comedy show, “Branson Comedy Bash.” Hearkening back to ‘60s and ‘70s era television variety show, this bash features stand-up comics, sketch comedy, magic acts and funny songs.
“Dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, Shepherd of the Hills has historically had the reputation of being the original entertainment attraction in Branson,” said Jae McFerron, writer and director of ‘Branson Comedy Bash.’ “The Playhouse Theater is producing great, original comedy shows and ‘Branson Comedy Bash’ is a natural continuation of that tradition of hilarious, family-friendly entertainment.”
The 90-minute variety dinner show blends some of Branson’s well-known comics and beloved personalities. The award-winning cast includes comedic magician Mike Bliss, comic and variety artist Blake Walker, stand-up comedian Joey Aiello, popular favorite performer Dalena Ditto, comic actors Dan and Dana Embree, and songsmith Justin Sifford, all hosted by Shannon Thomason as AppleJack.
“This bash has the cream of the crop of veteran comedians,” said McFerron. “In all, 12 of Branson’s most experienced and sought after comedic professionals will be featured over the course of the season.”
The new “Branson Comedy Bash” will run March 4, 2025, through October 31, 2025. All performances will be in the Playhouse Theater, located at the entrance to The Shepherd of the Hills Adventure Park, 5585 W 76 Country Blvd, Branson. For tickets, call the ticket office 417- 334-4191 or buy online at