A tornado ripped through Rogers, Arkansas on May 26, 2024, displacing many individuals including 30 residents of a local nursing home. Among these residents were four veterans who were relocated to Blossoms Rehab and Nursing Center in Berryville, AR. Being a veteran himself, and a friend of the Blossoms, Vince Eastwood recognized that this was a difficult situation for these veterans. Looking for opportunities to assist these four individuals, he reached out to members of the Quilts of Valor of the Ozarks (QOVO) and asked if they would be able to assist as these new residents adapt to this unexpected relocation.
The next day, Monday, May 27, members of the QOVO chapter from Kimberling City, Missouri, traveled to Berryville and presented Quilts of Valor® to the four individuals who had been relocated from Rogers, in addition to another veteran resident of The Blossoms. QOVO members shared with the residents and guests present that the mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation is to cover service members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor. It is the hope that each displaced veteran feels the hug of the quilt as they settle into their new surroundings.
Eligibility for quilts
Who is eligible to be awarded a quilt? Any service member or living veteran who served in one of the following branches: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard is eligible. Members of the activated National Guard and activated or active duty-special work (ADSW) reservists are included.
Individuals may be nominated by completing a form at https://www.qovf.org/nominations-awards/nominate_qov_tbw_info/#faq or emailing the local chapter at quiltsofvalorozarks@gmail.com for a nomination form.
How you can be involved
Quilts of Valor Foundation is a 501(3)(c) organization and is entirely funded by the generosity of its members and benefactors. If you are interested in joining this work or making a donation, you may contact the local QOVO Chapter through their Facebook page (Quilts of Valor of the Ozarks), email them at quiltsofvalorozarks@gmail.com or come to a meeting the first Monday of the month at 9 a.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Kimberling City, MO.