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Stone County Historical Museum features Hurley

Writer: Submitted to Branson GlobeSubmitted to Branson Globe



The Stone County Historical Genealogical Society and Museum is featuring Hurley, Missouri this week.


In the early 1800s the settlers came up on a beautiful scenic valley with many springs providing an abundance of clear water streams. Someone named the new found area Spring Creek.


A mill was built and powered by the water of the swift flowing stream. Wheat and corn were ground for area residents. By the 1890s the Spring Creek Mill was the start of the first industry in the small settlement.  


The settlement grew in Spring Creek. In 1898 a post office was built and when the U.S. Postal Service refused to accept the name Spring Creek, then Hurley, Missouri, was born.


In 1904 the Missouri Pacific Railroad began work on a shortcut from Crane to Springfield. The railroad was built by hand with hard labor along with mule power for assistance. By April 1907, the track was finished.


The town of Hurley was flourishing by the 1900s and featured: the Spring Creek Mill (grinding flour, meal and feed), a lumber company, farmers exchange, general merchandise store, cafe, barber shop, shoe shop and repair, telephone central, MoPac station agent, physician and surgeon, Ford sales and service, hardwares and implements, produce dealer and shipper, Bank of Hurley, blacksmith, boarding house, groceries, a school and churches.


By 1916 Hurley had Campfire Girls.


The tomato canning factory was in full swing running day and night that late summer of 1916. The canning factory employed half the town plus some outsiders.


Hurley is located in the northern part of Stone County.


The Historical Museum is open Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Stop in at 103 S. Main St., Crane, for more information on Stone County’s history and heritage.


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