The Shepherd of the Hills Garden Club (SHGC) is conducting their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 4, from 8 a.m.–noon (or when all plants are sold—whichever comes first) at the Apple Tree Mall parking lot, 1830 W. 76 Country Blvd., Branson.
“This is the Club’s 70th anniversary year and the 25th year we’ve had a plant sale” said Nancy Leahy, President of SHGC. “This event is our only major fundraising project, and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone there!”
Proceeds from the plant sale are used to support the many projects SHGC conducts each year to give back to the community. Some projects include two scholarships provided to students pursing a career in horticulture; beautification of the front entrance of the Branson Humane Society and the Blue Eye Library; installation of a Blue Star Memorial at the Veterans Memorial Garden; and the installation of a Bluebird Trail at Eiserman Park, to name just a few.
Judith Malwitz, plant sale committee chair said, “This year’s sale is shaping up to be the best yet, with a wide variety of flowers, vegetables, perennials and annuals that are donated by members of SHGC, along with several local businesses.”
Everyone is encouraged to come early for the best selection and expert advice from the members of the Garden Club.
The Shepherd of the Hills Garden Club was organized and federated on March 23, 1954, with the purpose of encouraging care of the environment, beautifying our community and promoting the love of gardening with others. Follow us on Facebook: