Sometimes a Proverb seems particularly appropriate for my frame of mind or something I’m going through—or a whole series of somethings. That’s been the case since I read, “Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way!” (Prov. 19:2, NIV).
Things can look good at first glance, or seem to call for immediate response. It can be something simple, such as a purse I almost bought, the last one on the rack at a great sale. It was stylish, a name brand, and about the size I like to carry. Upon closer inspection, though, the several pockets were not in an easily accessible arrangement to accommodate my phone, keys, ID and other needs. I was glad I opened all the zippers and snaps for a better look before I spent the cash.
Other subjects are a little more complex. After my husband retires, we plan to do some volunteering that will necessitate owning a camper. Recently we found one that looked good at a reasonable price, but we just didn’t feel quite right about buying it. A short time later we knew why—a couple of remodeling projects were affected by inflation and went over budget, so the camper would have made things tight until our savings recovered.
Then there’s that social media post or news story that seems to bring out the stupid in many of the comments. Being blessed with the gift of sarcasm, I’m typing the perfect response when the Holy Spirit nudges me, “Hey, what about that verse in Proverbs?” and I realize my hasty feet—or fingers—nearly led me to say something that didn’t exactly shine God’s love into the situation. And the examples go on.
On Jennifer Rothschild’s most recent podcast, her guest took the theme a bit further, asking listeners, “Is it possible for families to pursue simplicity and stability in today’s culture?” Simplicity seems to be nearly a lost art; many of us haven’t been able to go off-grid because we need to earn a living. But just thinking about “little” choices we make that add up to spending more money and being busier—do we really need another streaming service? Why not instead spend a little daily time reading a book aloud together? Maybe coffee with a friend or a walk around the neighborhood instead of an hour on social media that leaves me frustrated with politics? Do the grandkids need another toy with multiple parts for baby brother to poke down the heater vent, or would they enjoy a birdwatching excursion as much or more?
I’m realizing that the answer that brings simplicity, contentment and most of all, closeness to God, is often right there, if I’ll just slow down, prop up my hasty feet, grab my Bible or journal, and think.