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Reader's Corner: A travel adventure recap at Learning on Wednesday

Writer: Cynthia J. ThomasCynthia J. Thomas

If your schedule doesn’t allow a cruise or trip right now, you can enjoy some fun and fellowship while learning some history and culture, by attending the October 16 Learning on Wednesday session at Kimberling Area Library. 


Join Diana Dye, who recently cruised south to experience the history of the Panama Canal construction and its everyday use; Willemstad, Curacao, Tortuguero canals, and the Veragua rainforest of Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. Diana will also share the wonders of Aruba, a butterfly farm, connection to Bonnaire native Arawak Indians, and her experience in Cartagena, Columbia, with the art of casting fishing nets. 


Diana’s presentation about her trip will expose you to a variety of diverse southern cultures, and may whet your appetite for a trip of your own or provide additional information about places you have previously heard about. 


The session will begin at 10:15 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16, in the KAL Community Room, 45 Kimberling Blvd. in Kimberling City. Coffee and light snacks are provided; attendance is free; and pre-registration is not required. Visit to stay up to date on this and other upcoming opportunities for learning and fellowship at the Library. 


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