The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Table Rock Lake Project Office would like to remind adjacent property owners that they must get prior written approval before cutting or removing dead or storm damaged trees from public property.
Recent storms have damaged several trees around Table Rock Lake, and many have fallen. Areas where trees were damaged and posing a hazard within permitted vegetation modification areas can be removed, but removal must first be approved by a park ranger on site. Written approval will be provided to the landowner for their records. Damaged trees outside of permitted vegetation modification areas are not eligible for removal.
If a tree has fallen across a permitted access path to the shoreline or boat dock, a six-foot wide portion of the downed tree can be cut out to clear the path, but the remainder of the tree must remain on public lands.
Please keep in mind that no burning is allowed on public lands.
For more information or to schedule an appointment to meet a park ranger on site, please call 501-340-1935.
Information on water levels can be found on the Little Rock District website at by clicking on the water level button or by using the district smartphone app that can be found by searching “USACE Little Rock” in all major app stores.
Additional recreation information can be found on the internet at, on Facebook and on X at