On Friday, December 13, and Saturday, December 14, Branson Event Center was filled with music, dancing and plenty of laughter and fun at the Winter Bluegrass Festival hosted by Ozark Mountain Music Association. Beginning instrumentalists to seasoned musicians enjoyed workshops and jam sessions throughout both days to learn or polish their skills on guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo and bass, plus vocals. Experienced local and visiting performers conducted workshops and were on hand to coach or answer questions during jam sessions. Although the performance focus was on youth bands, musicians of all ages enjoyed participating in the workshops and jams.
Friday’s activities culminated with an evening square dance, with callers coaching beginners through the steps while more experienced dancers helped keep the groups moving. Square dancing has been an Ozarks tradition for decades, and groups such as OMMA help preserve that legacy. Friday’s activities also included a “band scramble,” with names drawn to group attendees into combos, and experienced musicians coaching each band.
Several parents were in attendance, participating in sessions themselves or just watching the young people having fun. Some families reconnected after getting acquainted at last year’s event or at OMMA summer youth camps; a family from South Dakota and a family from Kansas shared how much they had enjoyed developing a friendship while being at several of the same events over the last year. A common theme among parents was appreciation for the wholesome traditional values and social skills their children gain through such events, along with the artistic development. Kids often keep in touch between camps and festivals, and some of those friendships and shared musical experiences lead to bands that continue performing together later.
The festival wrapped up on Saturday evening with a variety show featuring excellent music from a lineup of youth bands; visit the Ozark Mountain Music page on Facebook for videos of several participating groups.
More winter fun is planned for February 14-15, when OMMA will host “Dare to Be Square” at the Michel family’s Weddings at the Homestead venue, 252 Collins Rd., Branson. Some of the area’s best traditional dance musicians will join callers Bob Zuellig and Hanna Johnson for daily workshops and evening square dances, a great chance to begin learning or improve your skills. All ages are welcome and no experience is needed!
Also, mark your calendar for spring and summer OMMA events, starting with the Youth in Bluegrass Contest, Saturday, May 17. Applications will open in February for youth bands to compete for some serious prize money, as well as visibility with performance venues and a chance to chat with representatives from colleges that offer a bluegrass music program.
Parents of young musicians will want to make note of this summer’s camp dates, including some new locations:
● Bluegrass camp at the Homestead, June 10-14
● Bluegrass camp at Bethel University in McKenzie, TN, June 24-28
● Bluegrass/gospel/worship camp at Williams Baptist University in Walnut Ridge, AR, May 27-31
● Old-time music and dance camp in “Folk Music Capital” Mountain View, AR, July 16-19
Email director Wendy Wright at ozarkmountainmusic1@gmail.com with questions; or visit www.ozarkmountainmusicassociation.com for additional camp info, pricing and registration. See more festival photos and stay up to date by following Ozark Mountain Music on Facebook, and help keep a great tradition alive in a new generation of youth!