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Made In The USA General Store proprietor makes substantial donations

Writer: Luanna FullertonLuanna Fullerton

Do you know where the "Made In The USA General Store is here in Branson? If you don't, you need to find it. Brian Karn, owner, is a very "Giving Man" and loves to help others out.

With every product that is in his store being Made In The USA, how many stores can you go to that have every item made only in the USA? 


As I was walking around and observing the multiple items from toys to tools to food items to household items to jewelry and so much in between, I was able to chat with Jay Scribner who was a recipient of Brian's kind generosity of giving. The organization that Jay works with received for the last three years and will continue to receive donations that are distributed to the people that need them most. A quote from Jay was, " I am thankful to be associated with Brian and Made In The USA Store. He is a wonderful proprietor of this store. This is a tremendous store that he cares about the basics and that it is made in the USA; it's pretty exciting that we have a store in this town that concentrates on USA made only products." Jay further states, "That it is of the Lord's work and that Brian is a blessing to them. We have been associated with him for the last few years through his generous donations to our public foundation - Berean Liberty Foundation. They then distribute the merchandise through other ministries. We are so very grateful to him. Berean Liberty Foundation functions strictly through donations. All the items that are received are the best because they are made right here in the good ole USA, so they will last a while."  


Brian and Made In The USA General Store have donated items and money to CAM, SIX-Canned and dry goods fundraiser, Grace Community Church, and different church food pantries. Brian has donated many dollars’ worth of items over the years he has owned his store and has no plans on stopping. He wants to continue to do the Lord's work of giving. While in his store, you might be blessed with a penny that is made through Cross Penny Ministries out of Texarkana, TX, and Denver, CO. He has given over 50,000 away, and the money that he pays for these goes right back to their ministries, so they can continue their work. People have actually cried when he has given it to them. 


Within his store of so many items, there are 47 different states that are represented. He stated that Alaska is a hard one to receive items from though. You could spend at least a good hour in the store just looking at all the different items and being amazed that they are all made in the USA, and I love that! You can find items for your pets, the largest USA made military hat selection, handmade items and green toys. Commercial made ware made in the USA only. Hillbilly items to the Constitution books. Zippo lighters are a hard item to find, but he has them.


While in the process of looking around the store and talking with Brian, he was showing and telling me the many different places where different items were from and came across a unique wood carved mushroom. He made the statement that it was from Southwest Kansas, and I stopped him immediately and asked where in Southwest Kansas. He said, "I believe out past Dodge City." I laughed and said do you have a way to trace where? So, we went to his computer and within three minutes he had my answer, "It's from a town called Hugoton." I laughed again and said, well, that's only 33 miles from my hometown. I asked if he knew who the company was and he said, "Cimarron Cove Crafts, by Ron and Barbara Anderson." While walking down another aisle, I instantly spotted some lollipops and I said I know where those are from; those are from Vilas, CO. I have actually been and watched those be made. This town is less than two hours away from my hometown.

So you see, you can find so many treasures within your own town of shopping. And in this case, bringing a little of the "home" to me.


Brian not only gives from his store, but he also donates blood. On January 17, 2025, he will donate again and with that donation, he will become a 'Ten Gallon Donor.' Brian feels that God has given him the ability to donate. He has a rare type of blood that can be used universally. It's a special accomplishment according to the American Red Cross and one that all donors should be proud of. Brian would like to invite you to join him by joining a blood drive near you, as it saves lives!


Please check out the store located at the Branson Meadows at 4720 N. Gretna Rd. The store is open year-round, seven days a week. You may call at 417-336-8721, check on Facebook or at the website:


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