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Writer's pictureCynthia J. Thomas

Join the prayer, praise and pro-life rally November 2

With the November election just a few short weeks away, area faith leaders are urging Christians to pray, do their research, and be sure to get out and vote. A great way to spend time in prayer is in community with other believers, and on Saturday, November 2, residents and guests of Branson and surrounding communities have an opportunity to do just that, at the Prayer, Praise, Pro-life Election Rally from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The rally will be held at Jerry Presley’s God and Country Theater, 1840 W. 76 Country Blvd. in Branson. 


The rally is sponsored by Proclaim Ministries, an area ministry led by Russ and Bev Eugenio. Bev Eugenio shared that as she personally prayed about the upcoming election, she kept thinking someone should do something to bring people together in prayer and worship, and the thought kept coming, “What about you?” Although at first hesitant, Eugenio started reaching out to a few people, and as details began falling into place, she felt even more certainty that the rally would be the right thing to do. 


For many Missourians, amendments to the state Constitution are a key issue, particularly Amendment 3 which would enshrine abortion as a Constitutional right with no restrictions and no safeguards in place. A featured speaker at the rally will be State Rep. Brian Seitz, who will share more details about the amendment’s language that will not only strip away Missouri’s current protections for the unborn, at any stage of development, but also endanger parental rights, women’s sports, and much more. Seitz will also explain problematic aspects of the initiative petition process that makes it possible for a numeric majority rather than a true representative majority to force such issues onto the ballot. There will be prayer specifically addressing the deception causing some people to think the amendment simply deals with women’s healthcare. 


Along with Rep. Seitz and the Eugenios, community and faith leaders leading prayer or worship will include Rich and Anna Watson; Larry and Sandra Barnette; Jerry Presley; Deanna Duggar; Tammy Rodgers; Nyla, Shay and Brayla; Anita Cerce; Don Ford; Howard and Leanne Bailey; Tony and Brenda Krukow; Pastor Tom Willcox; Pastors Ken and Pam Rensink; Jessica Orsak; and “The Sons.” 


Come join with friends, or make new ones, to praise and worship God and agree together in prayer for our state and nation during this pivotal time. Come for the entire rally, or stay for as much as you can and join in prayer from wherever you can. Admission for this important and powerful event is free, but donations will be accepted and patriotic jewelry and gifts available for purchase to help cover direct expenses. For any questions or for further information, call 417-598-3413 or email

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