To continue and here’s the thing: even IF (and this is NOT the case) all pharmaceuticals were safe in and of themselves, doctors are not (across the board OR in general) taking time out to read the contraindications for the benefit of each of their patients.
For example, just a few weeks ago, I knew a woman who was prescribed a drug, and thank goodness it wasn’t one she took every day, but rather as needed if her systolic was elevated. In her chart it clearly listed that she had CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) AND MVP (Mitral Valve Prolapse). She started experiencing all sorts of weird symptoms and seemed close to “not making it.” She shook uncontrollably, took on pronounced Lupus-type symptoms, itching profusely and could barely use her arms and legs. She was in the ER twice and no diagnosis, nor did they think to look up drug reaction symptoms. After returning home with no diagnosis, a relative suggested she look up the side effects of the newest drug introduced in her regime. The main or most common side effects were not the symptoms she was experiencing, but when they scrolled down to the category of “less common” symptoms, there they ALL were! It was like checking off a list of items before you go on vacation!! Everyone was checked and there were 10 or 12!
This woman was in her 90s and even before it listed the side effects, it boldly stated that this drug was not to be given to CAD or MVP patients. We have to be our own watchdogs and advocates these days! And not because of the doctors. I don’t blame them as they are being controlled by the corporations; their hands are tied, literally. With alternative medicines, we can definitely check to see if they will be synergistic with whatever prescription someone is taking, but, ideally, if there is something else such as an herb, mineral, supplement of any kind that is natural, I would highly recommend it.
In a written survey of 1,035 participants (published in JAMA by J. A. Aston in 1998) who were randomly selected, the question was posed: “Have you utilized alternative medicine within the previous year?” The response rate was 69% “yes.” The reasons given were as follows:
· Lack of confidence in traditional medicine outcomes
· Generally poorer health statuses
· More holistic oriented
· Having had a transformational experience that altered the world view on traditional medicine.
The issues that prompted patients to seek out alternative means were as follows:
· Anxiety
· Back problems
· All types of chronic pain
· Urinary tract problems
· Also, a classification in a cultural group identifiable by environmentalism commitment, feminism commitment, interest in spirituality and personal growth psychology.
Another example of the difference in natural vs, pharmaceuticals: When I had my last child, I wanted to be all “drugged up” and not feel a thing. They gave the epidural and, for whatever reason, it DID NOT TAKE. Nor had I enrolled in any LAMAZE classes, ever, because I wasn’t a masochist! lol Anyway, it WAS rough as he was 8 lbs. and 3 oz. and his shoulders were big and he got stuck, but…it all ended. The first one was a tea party with the drugs that worked, but afterwards, I passed out after I went home, my systemic functions were very slow returning and just didn’t feel great at all.
However, after the natural birth, I was up and running the very next day! I felt great. It was a true wake-up call and eye-opener for sure! That is actually what helped to start me on my health/wellness research journey with the end result being a columnist.
The other part that was a catalyst in my journey was when I researched nosocomial or hospital acquired infections. I count it a blessing that my epidural “failed!”
Another example of more natural approaches working would be that of the Ivermectin on the Covid symptoms. It knocks it out quickly and easily!
Money has become the driving force, now, behind traditional medicine! Nothing can be completely trusted when money has become worshipped. Folks who create herbal remedies (the reputable ones) aren’t in it for the almighty buck, but rather, for the hope for best health available for mankind!
All I’m stressing here is to research - yourselves. Read some or all of the books that were featured in Part I of this series and, as well, engage a doctor who is open minded and will work with your goal to convert, or, at least, “partially convert” to natural alternatives. It WILL pay off in the short AND long run!!!