Dickerson Park Zoo and Community Blood Center of the Ozarks, the sole supplier of blood, platelets and plasma to patients at 45 area healthcare facilities, are partnering together help boost the region’s blood supply for local patients.
Successful donors will receive a voucher for two free general admissions to the Dickerson Park Zoo, valued at $38. Zoo admission vouchers are valid through July 31, 2025. No other discounts or coupons apply. Donors will also receive a limited-edition zoo themed T-shirt, while supplies last.
While all blood types are encouraged to donate, type O-negative donors are especially needed. “It is no secret that summer is a challenging time for the area’s blood supply. Hospital usage has recently increased, and summer activities often hinder donations,” said CBCO Media Relations Representative Michelle Teter. “We urge community members to help keep the heat off the blood supply this summer by donating with CBCO. Your blood donation can support local patients, and you never know when it might be your friend, family member, or neighbor who needs a blood transfusion. Please consider making a blood donation appointment today.”
“In critical situations, access to an adequate blood supply can be lifesaving,” says Max Buetow, President and CEO of CoxHealth. “The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO) provides essential blood products for our patients, and I encourage everyone to donate blood and support this vital cause. Your donation can make a significant difference for the communities we serve.”
Community Blood Center of the Ozarks donors provide all the blood for patients at Cox Branson, as well as dozens of healthcare facilities across the Ozarks.
Branson area residents will have the opportunity to donate at the following location:
Branson Community Blood Drive
The Grove Christian Church – Gymnasium
116 Pathway, Branson
Tuesday, August 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Kimberling City area residents will have the opportunity to donate at the following location:
Kimberling City Community Blood Drive
Elks Lodge – Community Room
37 Beach Boulevard, Kimberling City
Tuesday, August 6 – 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
To help avoid wait times, appointments are strongly encouraged. Donors can schedule an appointment at https://www.cbco.org/donate-blood/ or by calling 417-227-5006.
Photo identification required. Please eat well and drink plenty of fluids prior to the blood drive.