The local Prayer/Action Chapter of Concerned Women for America (Missouri) held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 21, at Covenant Life Church in downtown Branson. At the meeting, updates were shared about current state and national affairs, with focused prayer about several topics.
One prayer focus at the meeting was the continued situation in Israel. Area Director Haven Howard shared that Madelyn Sestak, leader of the Young Women for America chapter at College of the Ozarks, recently returned from a trip to Washington, D.C., with new vision for prayer and support for Jewish college students.
Howard also shared an update about the Missouri Republican Convention. Former Evangel University YWA leader Sophie Shore served as moderator, but was only elected after a disappointing amount of delay by state party leaders in the selection process. This meant very few of the platform amendments proposed by county caucuses could be brought up for discussion due to time restrictions. However, once selected, Shore did an excellent job. The daughter of an active CWA member, Sophie has served well in several candidate campaigns, including Senator Mike Moon, and her track record highlights the potential for young Christian women in leadership.
The meeting also featured a Focus on the Family video interview with Claire Culwell, survivor of an abortion that took the life of her twin. In the interview, Claire and her birth mother shared their journey to healing and forgiveness, giving credit to Claire’s wonderful adoptive parents. Her book, “Survivor,” is available at major retailers and through Focus on the Family.
Related to the video, another prayer focus was the Missouri Senate’s failure to pass Initiative Petition Reform during the recent legislative session. This sets the stage for a possible abortion rights ballot petition that could reflect Democratic-majority large city districts and ignore the clear pro-life stance of Missourians in smaller or more rural communities. Several CWA Prayer/Action Chapter participants plan to host voter registration drives at their churches in coming weeks to emphasize the need for pro-life and faith-driven voters; email if you can help.
Plan now to attend the June 18 Prayer/Action Chapter meeting, which will include an opportunity to hear from Branson school board members; and the July 16 meeting which will feature an update from Options Pregnancy Clinic. You can help Options assist new parents by shopping for bottle brushes, bath towels/washcloths, and infant boys’ clothing (0–12 months).
Stay up to date on CWA activities by following Concerned Women for America of Missouri on Facebook or visiting