Instead of Johnny Appleseed, one Branson area resident is referred to as Lynda Chapelseed.
Lynda Lynn, along with her husband Bud, has been planting small churches – or chapels – across the country in a movement known as Chapelwoods Across America. The project began as a vision in 2008.

"I was always making my morning run down the walking trail at Notch, Missouri, near Branson West and Silver Dollar City," Lynda recalled. "I loved watching the moms and dads with their children on the walking trail. I could tell they loved the nature trail. They loved watching the birds, the flowers and the beautiful, majestic Ozark trees and the breathtaking scenery."
Lynn, a songwriter and vocalist, continued, "One day the Lord said, 'Who made the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees? Build me a little chapel so people can enter a little chapel in the woods and feel the love I have for them, so they will realize I am the one who made all these beautiful things of nature.' "
With the vision of Chapelwoods firmly in place, construction was soon to follow. Neighbors came by to lend a hand, donating their time, construction supplies and even religious decor for the chapel. The project became a labor of love.
"One Saturday, as we were trying to propel the large cedar beams for the roof, suddenly, to my surprise, here comes a big truck, with men from 16 to70," said Lynn. "They hopped out to lend a helping hand, led by a young carpenter, Clay Mosier, from Cedar Ridge Baptist Church. Soon after, the Notch Church Family came to pray and write scripture verses and letters inside the walls and on the floor, with Bonnie Walker leading the congregation."
Area businesses donated many items, such as the door, windows, flooring and sheetrock to see the chapel completed.
"In 2013, we dedicated Chapelwoods," Lynda explained. "Eleven pastors attended. All 11 were praying and anointing the walls with Holy Oil. Sixty guests came. We set up a stage for all the singers to sing songs for Jesus. It was a glorious day of celebration.
Since that time, the Notch chapel has been the site of weddings and ordinations, and has hosted many guest singers.
Said Lynda, "Texas Country Gospel did a show, and the chapel has been used as a front cover for CDs. We do a show from Chapelwoods called 'Chapelwoods on the Mountain' that airs on Branson Gospel TV and the ALG Gospel Network. We feature ministers such as the late Dr. Cecil Todd and artists and performers such as Barbara Fairchild, Jonathan Bond, Dr. Dale Smith, Randy Plummer, Kenny Goodman and many others have been featured on the program from Chapelwoods to sing and share their love for the Lord."
Since the building of the first Chapelwoods, two additional chapels have been constructed – one in Buena Park, California, on a church property and the other at GUMI Camp, on Cedar Creek, MO, a 200-acre camp built for veterans and owned by Tim and Angela Hadler.
At this time, three additional chapels are in the planning or construction phases. A chapel located at the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs is currently under construction, with the hope it will be completed by Easter. A second is planned for Poplar Bluff, MO, to be constructed this year, and a third – this one to be located in Branson – is currently in the planning stages.
"We supply the material for the outer structure and some of the inside, and others who love the chapel concept donated their time, funds and talent," Lynda explained.
An upcoming fundraiser will provide help with the construction of future chapels. On Sunday, April 6, a concert sponsored by Jammin' for Jesus, will be held at the Hughes Brothers Theatre. The afternoon event will include music from some of the area's finest gospel vocalists. Lynda Lynn will be on hand to sing the Chapel a song she wrote, prior to envisioning the first chapel being built. A video highlighting Chapelwoods, courtesy of KOLR 10, will also be shown. The concert is set to begin at 2 p.m.
"The goal is to open the doors of these little chapels for people who may be afraid to enter a traditional church, to get a touch of the Lord," said Lynda, of the Chapelwoods project. "God can simply love your heart, right where you are. Chapelwoods is a little chapel making a big difference. I always say there is a Big God in the little Chapelwoods."