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Capitol Report

Rob Doherty

The months of April and May see the House of Representatives moving at full speed. My advocacy often shifts from constituent services (though we are always desirous and diligent to respond to individual’s needs within the district), to the vetting and voting upon legislation that affects all Missourians, particularly those in the 156th District.


It is during this time period that the relationships built over my past two terms come into play. Building bridges of commonality and true friendships with fellow representatives allow me increased ability to advocate for those I represent in the 156th District. As a committee chairman, with increased access to House leadership, I get more opportunity to affect meaningful legislation that supports Branson, Hollister and the surrounding communities.  


My House Bill 2143 passed in the executive session of the Pension Committee along partisan lines. The bill creates the “Foreign Adversary Divestment Act” and ensures that Missouri pensioners are not propping up companies in nations adversarial to our capitalistic and free society.


My House Bill 1617 passed in Rules-Administrative Oversight in executive session with a vote of 8-0. The bill increases the statute of limitations for childhood sexual assault victims and has never received a no vote in the House of Representatives.


My House Bill 2320 received bipartisan support on the House floor, and is heading to the Senate to an as yet unnamed committee. This bill designates Branson to be the official “Live Entertainment Capital” for the state of Missouri. I spoke of our wonderful shows, lakes and outdoor activities, shopping, restaurants and attractions.


I voted in favor of House Bill 2020, part of the state budget, for monies that I advocated for with the Budget Chair and Governor Parson, to receive infrastructure improvements on Highway 76. In part the bill states: For all expenditures associated with the planning, design and construction of infrastructure improvements on Highway 76 in a city with more than twelve thousand five hundred but fewer than fourteen thousand inhabitants and located in a county with more than fifty thousand but fewer than sixty thousand inhabitants and with a county seat with more than one thousand but fewer than four thousand inhabitants: From Budget Stabilization Fund, $6,200,000. I’m thankful for Rep. Brad Hudson’s help in securing this funding through his previous experience and relationships built on the budget committee.

Branson’s infrastructure needs are greater than those of a typical “small town,” and this money is much needed for our heavily traveled entertainment district.

I have also spoken in favor of receiving $727.5 million to rebuild the I-44 corridor, the major highway that leads to Highway 65.

Housing is an ongoing need in the 156th District. To that end, I recently contacted the Executive Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development, Michelle Hataway. The City of Branson is submitting six CBDG DR applications to construct six multifamily housing projects. This grant will allow developer to construct housing that is affordable for many of the working families in the area.

HJR 86 is moving forward, dealing with Initiative Petition Reform. Part of the language that I voted in favor of includes defining a “legal voter” as a United States citizen that is a resident of Missouri.

The bill also prohibits foreign governments and political parties from sponsoring initiative petitions and from engaging in electoral activity in support of or opposition to initiative petitions.

Need to contact my office?

Please call my office at 573-751-1309 if we can ever be of assistance to you, or stop by our office in Jefferson City in room 118. I or my legislator assistant are happy to help.

Brian H. Seitz

State Representative of the 156th District

201 W. Capitol Ave, Room 118

Jefferson City, MO 65101

Telephone: 573-751-1309

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